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A Family Feud Escalates

Marine Le Pen's Niece Backs Far-Right Rival in French Election

A Family Feud Escalates

By Victor Goury-Laffont, Eddy Wax, and Sarah Paillou

Less than three weeks before the French presidential election, a bombshell has been dropped: Marine Le Pen's niece, Marion Maréchal, has endorsed the candidacy of Éric Zemmour, a far-right rival who is even more extreme than her aunt.

The move has sent shockwaves through the French political establishment, as it signals a deep division within the National Rally party, which Marine Le Pen leads. It also raises questions about the future of Marine Le Pen's campaign, which has been struggling to gain traction in the polls.

Zemmour, a polemicist and former television pundit, has made headlines for his anti-immigration, anti-Islam rhetoric. He has been convicted of inciting racial hatred and has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories.

Maréchal's decision to back Zemmour is seen as a blow to Marine Le Pen's campaign, as she is one of the most popular figures in the party. She is also a rising star within the French far-right, and her endorsement could give Zemmour a much-needed boost.

The feud between Marine Le Pen and her niece has been simmering for years, but it has now come to a head. Maréchal has accused her aunt of betraying the party's values by moderating her positions on immigration and Europe.

Marine Le Pen has dismissed her niece's criticisms, but the damage has been done. The split within the National Rally could make it more difficult for Marine Le Pen to win the election, and it could also have long-term implications for the party's future.
